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March 25, 2022

Tawanda McCrae - "The Demands of Being an Alpha/Caring for All Creatures"

Tawanda McCrae -

This week we're talking with Tawanda McCrae, a multifaceted and socially pro-active person, veteran, Vegan and a Vegan business owner, founder of the charity Red Queen Foundation, animal activist, a cannabis advocate. and architectural designer and instructor.  Tawanda is driven by the desire to help others through mentoring and charitable work.  We talk about looking for those "light bulb moments" and how to perhaps ease into a vegan lifestyle to help our health and the environment.  Hand made vegan chocolates might just do the trick!   She advises to "let your body be a garden, not a graveyard". 

Links to Tawanda's foundation:

Red Queen Foundation https://www.redqueenfoundation.com/

Other things to look for and support: 

Sistas for Change


Trenton Area Soup Kitchen

Woman's Space